Carlos Blanco was born in Madrid in 1986. At an early age, he showed signs of his hunger for knowledge and an astonishing precociousness (he started to talk when he was only 7 months old and he could read and write when he was 2 years old). Interested in the many areas of knowledge, he graduated in Philosophy, Chemistry and Theology from the University of Navarra.
Orientalist and guest of several radio and TV programs – he worked in “Crónicas Marcianas” when he was 13- he makes regular appearances in SER radio station and Cuatro TV Channel (Quiz), he has been interviewed by the media on several occasions.
He is a member of the International Association of Egyptologists (Berlin), a honorary member of the Clos Archeological Foundation (Barcelona) and a member of the Spanish Society for Gifted People (Madrid).
He has written several books, including Copernicus (a beginner's guide) and Leibniz (a beginner's guide), published by Lóguez Ediciones.
His biographical data and some information about his activity can be found in his website:, and in numerous YouTube videos.
Copernicus introduces to us the life and work of this man of genius from the 15th century. A man that dared on his own to change the concept of Universe that mankind has onsidered to be true for millenniums.
His work is framed in one of the most beautiful and interesting periods of the human adventure of discovery and knowledge, since it belongs to the very beginning of modern science. Copernicus’ theory was the base for the studies later carried out by Galileo, Kepler or Newton.
It is therefore not surprise the fact that Copernicus’ mind has fascinated so many people throughout History.
Carlos Blanco describes the atmosphere of the age when Nicolaus Copernicus lived, he looks into his scientific thoughts and ponder the revolution they meant, not only for science, but for the way of thinking of society in that moment. He finally studies the influence of Copernicus’ works, both on his period and nowadays.
Leibniz is one of the most exceptional minds in the history of mankind. It will be difficult to find a more universal and versatile intelligence. He stood out in Philosophy, Mathematics, Diplomacy, ecumenical and intercultural dialogue, Linguistic, Logic… He discovered the Infenitesimal Calculus, the basis for modern mathematics, working independently of Newton and he was a pioneer in formal logic. He was interested in Chinese civilization, he founded several scientific academies in Europe and he had a vast correspondence with other scholars and leaders.
Carlos Blanco addresses Leibniz’s figure with the enthusiasm, simplicity and exactitude that characterized him and take the readers to a journey throughout the fascinating period Leibniz helped to create: 17th and 18th centuries, the beginning of modern science, the development of renaissance philosophy and their influences on Illustration and modern world.
Carlos Blanco’s work describes Leibniz’s background and times, it analyses the different sides of his multitalented intellectual activity and the findings of his brilliant mind, it tells us about his huge bibliography and look into the influence of Leibniz’s works throughout history.