Aljoscha Blau was born in Saint Petersburg in 1972 and he has lived in Germany since 1990. He studied Illustration in Hamburg and he has illustrated many books for children and young adults. He works for several magazines and in 1997 he published his first book for children.
He has received several renowned literary awards, incrluding German Young Adults’ Literature Award, awarded to his History of Economics (Young Reader series).
He has been nominated to Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (ALMA) in 2013, to Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2014 and to Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award 2015.
A little child’s declaration of love to his grandmother, who has symbolically trapped all in his world under her black kerchief…
A. Blau’s drawings underline the simplicity and wistfulness of the text, poetically showing the child’s feeling for her grandmother.
“And, in the end, a halo of beautiful mystery remains…” (Die Zeit).
“… this is a beautiful tale that is worth reading time and time again. Although it seems not much happens, we can find something new in it, something that makes as think and feel, each time we come back to it.” (SOL, Orientation to Readers Service).
Recommended by Club Kirico, from CEGAL.
Is there anything more beautiful than having a grandfather who can tell the craziest stories, the smallest and biggest miracles and the most incredible andventures?
Red Cheeks have been honored with the Bologna Ragazzi Award 2006
Selected for the German Prize to the best Children’s book in 2006 (picture book).
“The exciting stories involving the grandfather and his grandson told by Heinz Janisch in a tender way, which are about childhood, happiness, love and red cheeks, are illustrated by Aljoscha Blau with beautiful drawings and wonderfully poetic colours, that make Red Cheeks… one of the most beautiful books, in which the text, the drawings and the edition make a perfect unit.” (Die Zeit).
“The magic conjunction among text, drawings and edition has resulted in this superb picture book with surrealistic and poetic views, that tells us, among many other things, about a beautiful relationship between a grandparent and his grandson, a relationship that even survives death.” (CLIJ, March, 2007).
Money, Banks, stock markets and the world market are not as modern as they look like. Those who want to understand these concepts must learn about their history. Nikolaus Piper takes the reader in a journey through time, starting from the first barter of objects and ending with the questioned “global trade” of the current times. In 31 short, easy to understand, chapters, Piper narrates the history of the world through the history of economics.
Data and numbers are offered and economists and thinkers, such as the Fugger, Rotschild, Adam Smigh and Karl Marx, are introduced to us.
This book, by an expert narrator, shows how exciting the history of economics can be.
Recommended by S.O.L. (Orientation to Readers Service).
Awarded with the German Award to science spreading books for young adults.
Unas gotas de helado de arándanos caen sobre la piel de un perro, lo que provoca un enfrentamiento. El enfrentamiento se extiende y ya los ejércitos avanzan y vociferan los jefes: “¡Adelante! ¡Atrás! ¡Vamos!”.
Los gorros vuelan hacia el enemigo, que se los devuelve por el aire. Les siguen botones de casacas y finalmente uniformes. De pronto, todos están en calzoncillos. Ahora nadie sabe a qué ejército pertenece.
“¡Tengo hambre!”, exclama uno. “¡Yo también, yo también!”, se oye desde todos los lados. Y ya el olor a salchicha asada y los pensamientos en los más queridos de casa alejan a los hombres de la batalla.
Solamente los comandantes en jefe de los ejércitos se quedan, rígidos como monumentos de piedra.
Este libro ha sido incluido en la lista White Ravens 2019 de la Internationale Jugendbibliothek.
Haz clic aquí para hojear las primeras páginas.
"... Una brillante metáfora con la que el austriaco Janisch construye un alegato antibelicista, elegido por el equipo de la prestigiosa Internationale Jugend Bibliothek de Múnich como uno de los mejores libros del año 2019 (Listado White Ravens). La narración está secuenciada a partir de cuatro pliegos sin palabras, a doble página, que contextualizan el origen de la lucha y que desembocan en una colección de escenas firmadas por el artista ruso Aljoscha Blau, varias veces nominado al ALMA gracias a un personal e inconfundible estilo que en este álbum alcanza esplendor". (Canal Lector).
La batalla de Karlavach- booktrailer