Series  flecha Yum!
See larger image ISSUU
Peter Schössow
Bookbinding: hardcover
Size: 16 x 16 cms
ISBN: 978-84-96646-60-5
Age: 2 years old and up
PRICE:  8.65 €


Sometimes, a teaspoon is not enough. Sometimes you need something more!

But…  it will be good for little Godzilla…? Or it will too much for him?


“… Once again, Peter Schössow shows his sensitivity and sense of humour by pointing at the demanding pre-readers with a story so simple but original, so close but unexpected, like this one” (Canal Lector).


"Peter Schössow is a first class author and illustrator” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (German newspaper).

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German Award to the best children’s book 2006 (picture books).



“With an astonishing care and a cutting humour, by means of a laconic text, without a trace of false sentimentality, but with comic or cartoon-like pictures, the distinguished German author and illustrator talks about the mixed feelings caused by the dead of a loved one: sadness, anger, lack of understanding… Finally, covered by their friends, the little girl cries and tells them what Elvis was like, she feels comforted and, eventually, is able to laugh when she imagines the two Elvis meeting. It is simply brilliant.” (CLIJ, Children and Young Adults’ Literature Notebooks).


“… we feel astonished when we realize how it can express so much with so little”. (Educación y Biblioteca Magazine).



“… a story that is brilliantly set up, perfectly combining an accurate text and illustrations, and that opens expectations from the very beginning, that creates, maintains an rations the thriller and that deals with the issue in a careful and gentle way, with a touch of humour and sweetness and lots of wit. It can be useful for making conversation with children about the issue, but, above all, this is a good story to tell, read, observe and share” (Pep Molist in Babar).

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Peter Schössow

Actually, the man only wanted to have a walk on the beach. But… what happened then? Then, a hurricane, a really wild hurricane, happened. And what then? Then, the storm really sent him flying to the clouds. Really. Then, he could really fly? Like a bird? If you don’t believe it, take a look.

The great artista of picture books, Peter Schössow, narrates the wish a man has to fly, and he just (nearly) needs pictures to do that.



Selected by Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Fundation to contribute “Lo + 2010” list.



Mooore! is a picture book with a tremendous load of emotions, in which the narrative stress is on the pictures that illustrate the wind, the man and the wind… It is a book about a man, about his desire to fly, to feel his feet on the air, to go with the flow… The wind takes his hat away, but it gives him a walk on the clouds. Peter Schössow draws brilliantly the air in motion and emotions. The body moves, the soul moves. The main character’s face is a poem that illustrates a change in moods. The man is drawn because Time is drawn. The wind sends him back to land, the wind gives him back his hat. The birs and planes fly, the naked man and pieces of papers fly… only because the wind wants it that way. The flight is over, but the dream continues… Mooore!” (Emilio Moyano, bookseller at La Mar de Letras bookshop, in Educación y Biblioteca magazine)

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Recommended by Canal Lector


Some of the reviews from international press:

" Schössow’s sense of humour is to everybody’s tastes" (Die Zeit).

“Highly professional and amusing… A teaspoon for… has certainly the value of good picture books” (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung).

“Flavourfully funny” (Eltern).

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Poor Peter
Heinrich Heine

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In this picture book, Peter Schössow narrates the old story about love and spitefulness. The observer, at the from row, attends the changing game of feelings between the stage and the audience.


“This book catches the reader up since the very first time” (Canal Lector)


“Poor Peter, by Peter Schössow, is a picture book of big size, an enormous and brilliant book” (Bienvenidos a la fiesta).


"A big format for a high quality work: the illustrator Peter Schössow shares by means of this book the innovative "stage action" of the poem "Poor Peter", by Henrich Heine, a classic of German Literature" (Cuatrogatos Foundation).



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