Series  flecha I am lucky
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I am lucky
Alexa Hennig von Lange
Bookbinding: hardcover
Size: 14 x 22 cms
ISBN: 978-84-96646-37-7
Age: 13 years old and up
PRICE:  12.5 €

Lele’s father has a problem: he can’t express his feelings to his two daughters, Lele and Cotsch, and to his wife, who lives in distress because of the troublesome teenage years of them and because of her relationship with his husband. The situation is too much for all of them and Lele describes the process in a sweet and sour way. She is anorexic and feels herself abandoned, looking for love and shelter in Arthur, the neighbor boy who lost his parents and who is thought to “sell his body” by Lele.  

One night, Cotsch, who pretends to be a nymphomaniac but she is actually a virgin, disappears, and Lele and Arthur go out to search for him. It will be a motorbike journey that will end with the appearance of her brother and his father leaving home forever, while Cotsch and her mother are getting a taxi to receive psychoanalyst therapy. Finally, Lele can be alone with her beloved Arthur.


I am lucky was awarded with the German Award to Young Adults’ Book and its writter, Alexa Hennig von Lange, has become a outstanding figure in German literature.


“… it is narrated in the first person using a direct and sincere language; this novel leave the reader stunned by its narrative style, which, without any sentimentality or scatology, deals with the most sordid sides of broken homes… Alexa Hennig von Lange manages to keep the thriller flowing until de “happy” end, which will undoubtedly make most of the readers feel lucky” (Elisa Yuste in Educación y Biblioteca).

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